
ISAP Anti Poaching Operations

ISAP will start providing information on anti poaching operations it undertakes - this information has been vetted so as to not include any privileged information which may compromise future / current operations including people, locations where necessary.

Midgard Lodge & Estate Area Operation (9th July 2020)

As a result of ongoing ISAP collaboration with the O&L Leisure group, particularly with regards to the Midgard farm property and the Mokuti Lodge farm property, an operation was planned, in conjunction with Namibia Police (Represented by Dep. Commissioner D. Harmse), Management of the Midgard property (Mr. G von der Wense) and members of ISAP and ISAP airwing. Operational support was also provided by neighboring farmers, use of farm Okarumuti (Ms Savoldelli) airfield, farm Otjozonjati (Mr G Voigts) and Leopard lodge manager (Mr L Maree).
Operation was planned due to multiple and ongoing instances of poaching on the Midgard property, the illegal grazing of cattle stemming from the neighboring settlement and the poaching of wildlife and cattle on the D2102 district road in the general area.

Operation objective was to achieve the following outcomes:
  • Create a presence in the area
  • Vehicle patrol of specific areas on Midagrd farm, checking boundary fences for evidence of intrusions, poacher movement.
  • Aerial survey of property to locate poachers on foot, poachers camps, poaching / slaughtering sights, foreign cattle intrusions and game number estimates.
  • Aircraft creates awareness within the bordering settlements as well as in general area, giving the impression of increased anti-poaching efforts.
Operation was a huge success with useful findings and information gathered. It highlighted the importance of communities / government bodies and all stakeholders to pull together and attack poaching collectively and in a coordinated fashion!