
ReSpond Intelligence Software Platform

ISAP's Inteligence datatbase software platform project has been initiated to to take over from the current Cmore platform, which ISAP currently uses to manage our inteligence database.

As with Cmore, the new ISAP system (ReSpond) will be both a inteligence database and a command and control platform. Assests in the field (Rangers / vehicles / Aircraft) will be able to be managed, in real time, via trackers and the platforms App, which will be smartphone based.

ISAP's intention is to role this out to farms, private wildlife reserves and national parks. With a centralized database it makes the task of proactive planning of anti poaching operations so much more effective!

Some features will include:

  • System Users (subscribers) monitor & record sensors / cameras on their properties
  • Data based entry / exit control (Scanning)
  • User to user communications (Area alert, emergency coomunications)
  • Real time reporting on poaching / environmental issues
  • Monitor (real time) and report on assits in field including Rangers/ Vehicles & Air Craft
  • ReSpond will tie into ISAP GAS project i.e. Key Regional contacts (MET / Nampol) & numbers, national air support data base & Standard OPerating Procedures (SOP'S) which need to be followed during incidents (Poaching / Crime).
  • Animal sightings that are logged into sytem will populate National data base (Together with Namibia University of Sceince & Technology). This will assist with various research projects as well as highlight population areas of various species, which in turn assists with proactive planning off anti poaching initiatives!

Beta (Test phase will be ready by end of November 2018, with full commercial role out by end February 2019. Should this system prove itself successful then ISAP would like to investgate role out in other African countries which have anti poaching programs.